
ADLAB PRO is a three-year (2016-2019) project financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships. ADLAB PRO is the natural successor to ADLAB, focused entirely on film audio description (AD), acknowledged for its best practices and awarded the status of success story.

ADLAB managed to identify the inconsistencies in AD crafting methods and provision policies at European level and to produce the first reliable and consistent European guidelines for the practice of AD.

Based on the results attained previously, ADLAB PRO marks an important step forward. The aim this time is to create free-access, flexible, didactic materials of a modular and customizable nature, for the creation of an extremely important yet little known professional figure with a key role in the field of media accessibility: the audio describer.

The audio describer is an audiovisual translator charged with producing verbal descriptions for the blind community. These descriptions recount the visual features of a work of art or an audiovisual product (a film, a museum, a dance, a sporting event or a religious ceremony, etc.).

The project activities will be carried out through the synergy of eight partners from seven European countries belonging both to academia and the professional world ensuring that the profile meets multiple market needs and the curriculum designed to train future AD experts is efficient and of high quality.

Besides affecting directly higher education as well as trainees interested in AD and the audiovisual translation market, ADLAB PRO will have a strong long-term impact on a wide spectrum of potential beneficiaries of the ADs produced by the new AD professionals. These include the blind and visually impaired communities and more in general a wide array of persons with disabilities, with age related disabilities and with specific needs.

Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union