University of Antwerp

Aline Remael

Prof. dr. Aline Remael (TricS research group, University of Antwerp) is Department Chair, and Professor of Translation Theory, Interpreting and Audiovisual Translation at the Department of Applied Linguistics/Translators and Interpreters. Her main research interests are audio-visual translation (intra- and interlingual subtitling), media accessibility (audio-description and audio-subtitling) and new hybrid forms interpreting that have affinities with AVT. She has published widely on media access, she was a partner (2012-2014) in the European ADLAB-project (, is currently supervising a Flemish funded project on accessible theatre, and is a partner in an Erasmus Plus project on “Accessible Culture and Training”. She supervises PhD’s in AVT, Media Access and Remote Interpreting. She has organized numerous international conferences, including the new symposium series entitled “Unlimited! Live accessible events”, launched at UAntwerp in April 2016. She is a member of the editorial board of various international Translation Studies journals, a member of the International TransMedia Research Group, and board member of ENPSIT (European Network for Public Service Interpreting and Translation).

Nina Reviers

Nina Reviers (MA Translation/Interpreting) is a fulltime PhD researcher at the University of Antwerp (Department of Translators and Interpreters) in the field of Media Accessibility, under the supervision of prof. dr. Aline Remael. Her research project involves developing the first multimodal corpus of Dutch audio descriptions, and applies computer based techniques from corpus linguistics, multimodal corpus development and Natural Language Processing, in cooperation with researchers from Clips (Uantwerpen) and Caiac (UAB). She has professional experience as an audiovisual translator, particularly in the theatre (audio description, subtitling, subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing) and has collaborated with several prominent Flemish theatres, accessibility providers and user organisations. She is building experience in academic and professional training (MA courses in interpreting, vocational audio description workshops, training of interns in audio description) and helped develop Flemish guidelines for the audio description of live-events as a member of the Transmedia Benelux Research Group. She has collaborated in the European LLP-project ADLAB and is a member of the European Society of Translation.

Gert Vercauteren

Gert Vercauteren holds an MA in Translation and a PhD in Translation Studies, more specifically in the field of audio description. He is a teacher and researcher at the Department of Applied Linguistics, Translation & Interpretation of the University of Antwerp. He teaches specialised and audiovisual translation and translation technology. His research focuses on audiovisual translation in general and media accessibility in particular. More recently, he broadened his research focus to include new types of learning (e-learning, blended learning, MOOCs) and their pedagogical implications. He was previously involved in the European DTV4All and ADLAB projects, and is currently participating in the European ACT (Accesible Culture and Training) project. He is the co-ordinator of AVT Research at the Department and is a member of the TricS research group, the European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (ESIST) and Transmedia Benelux.